Multilingual Power-Up

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Learn how to create a brilliant system for learning, memorizing, and reviewing the vocabulary of any language. You get instant access to the course including video training, slides, bonus call recordings and notes

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    Special Offer Price ($99.00)$99.00
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    Payment Plan (3x $33.00)3x $33.00

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Multilingual Power-Up (Special Offer)$0

"If you've ever wondered how people learn two or more foreign languages, this course will give you great ideas on how to set up your own roadmap."
learns French, Spanish & Ukrainian
"It's one of my goals to learn new languages while maintaining my current ones. I found it so helpful to see the different options modelled in this course."
learns French & Japanese

When you join this course, you'll also get an exclusive invitation to the Fluent Language Forum, an active community for student support and language chat.

  • Total payment
  • 1xMultilingual Power-Up (Special Offer)$0

All prices in USD


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